Matei Bogdan
Publicat în 15 noiembrie 2023, 16:04 / 119 elite & idei

Ana Maria Mihaescu: Early education

Ana Maria Mihaescu: Early education

Early education
My week continues with an impactful initiative, Yesterday, with the support of the OMV Petrom Foundation, Save the Children Romania, lounchef a new phase of the program Let’s be friends – Without Bullying – a bullying prevention program, in 60 kindergartens , complementing the second year of the program Impreuna din prima zi.600 kindergarten specialists – educators, directors and counselors – have already been trained to use the program’s methodology and, during the 2023-2024 school year, will work with 8,800 preschool children and their parents to create inclusive and safe educational communities and to help children have positive relationships. The preliminary study* carried out within the program shows that 78% of educators have to manage bullying situations in the group and 35% of educators have children in the group who .occasionally have no one to play with. I am very happy to be involved in such a critical theme for early education.

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