Ionel Nițu, American Intelligence Journal – Three Critical Factors in Intelligence Activity: Product, Process, and Personnel (The 3P Project)
by Ionel Nitu, Romanian Intelligence Service – Published in American Intelligence Journal
The term “3P” derives from the three very important categories/areas in defining a reform process of national security intelligence analysis, namely:
-Process (the analysis activity, with its entire set of methods or means, internal procedures and standards, but also with its various types of organization)
-Product (the results of the analysis activity, the products which are sent to beneficiaries/users, and the feedback or requests for information from the intelligence consumers)
-Personnel (the intelligence analyst, as well as the process of his/her selection and training)
Why these three Ps? I must confess that the idea of trying to define the analysis activity, and implicitly the main parts of reform in this important area for the activity of each intelligence service, came following some discussions I had with colleagues, experts, and intelligence analysts. I was coauthor of a paper (presented at an international forum) concerning the evolution of intelligence analysis on these three categories: process, product, and personnel.
Afterward, I found there is a whole literature that defines the management processes (especially in corporations) or the performance of an organization/company in the 3P logic.
Hence, I will briefly approach, from a theoretical point of view, the subject of intelligence analysis reform, and I will talk about the practical component, starting from these three identified essential factors.
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