Publicat în 11 martie 2015, 19:11 / 617 elite & idei

Ionel Nitu, prezent la Inaugurarea sediului Swiss Webacademy Bucharest

Ionel Nitu, prezent la Inaugurarea sediului Swiss Webacademy Bucharest
Program of the small speeches part before enjoying discussions in a relaxed atmosphere 
H.E. Jean-Hubert Lebet’s, Ambassador of Switzerland to Romania
Very short presentations of:

– Swiss Webacademy Bucharest : goals and activities.

– 3rd edition of „Cybersecurity in Romania. A macro-regional public-private dialogue platform” to be held in Sibiu from September 23rd to 26th

 „Cybersecurity Trends”, the first Romanian-speaking quartely journal, to be launched mid-march, built in the same spirit of the congress, with, in each issue, exclusive interventions from the CERT-RO, the SRI and the Romanian National Police, an up-to-date accessible bibliography and recensions of the newest available documents, a neutral central folder built with top analysts and dedicated to a hot topic (the first will be on e-Health security) and, last but not least, private companies views. The journal is intended to be an awareness-raising tool, as it will be offered for free in its online complete version, while sold only in its printed version.

– the 6th e-Health Romania congress will be the first bilateral ITALO-ROMANIAN one, and the first with a parallel session on security, taking place in Bucharest on May the 7th.

We are extremely proud to welcome the entire ENCYSEC delegation (Enhancing Cyber Security EU-funded project), i.e. the team leading manager and some of the highest representatives of the Infosec Institutions of Moldova, Kosovo and FYROM.

We are honored to welcome the presence some of the highest representatives of the Italian public-private e-Health security think-tank, led by e-Sanit@, namely Dr. Raffaele Zinno, the General Secrerary of the Professional Syndicate of Legal Doctors and Medical Insurance Companies as well as Dr. Imma Orillo, CEO of the pioneer e-Heath local unit „Napoli 2 Nord” as well as the greneral manager of the Italian public-private e-Health security think-tank, Mr. Massimo Caruso.

For all the public-private projects, in plus of the SWA team, our partners Mr. Raoul Chiesa (Security Brokers), Mr. Ionel Nitu (CAIET) and Mr. Romulus Maier (CEO Agora Group) will undoubtedly be able to answer to all your questions and, above all, your suggestions to make the two events and the journal better and better edition after edition!

Ultima ora:

ObservatorKaroly Borbely: „În această toamnă vom anunța primele PROIECTE concrete pe care le vom demara”

PoliticNicolae Ciucă: Am decis în coaliţia de guvernare să sprijinim planul liberal “România produce”, de reindustrializare a României

EconomieKaroly Borbely: „În această toamnă vom anunța primele PROIECTE concrete pe care le vom demara”

ExternMarco Badea: Referitor la explozia pagerelor folosite de membrii Hezbollah pentru comunicații între ei

SocialMarian Staș: Manifest puternic din partea unui expert în educație pentru redarea demnității de „meseriaș”, după eroarea școlii românești care a scos generații întregi de „șomeri cu diplomă” – „Toată lumea trebuie să înțeleagă că meseria e brățară de aur”

EvenimenteDiana Stafie: I was invited to attend an HP event – AI & Automation Summit in Bucharest – and share my perspective on the Future of Work in the AI reality

EditorialTeodor Baconschi: Viața la țară în secolul 21. Efectul european și glasul valorilor ancestrale într-o alianță de nota 10

CulturaAna-Maria Mihaescu: Salbek Opera Masterclass & Gala, 21-25 August 2024 – film of the event

Club Romania | Elite si idei / www.oranoua.ro - Open Source Internet Database part of a non-governmental project / Contact: office[at]oranoua[.]ro | Operated by CRSC Europe