Anca Dragu a avut o întrevedere cu Ambasadorul Franței în Republica Moldova, Graham Paul
Macroeconomic perspectives and strengthening the financial sector, BNM priorities and developments in the banking sector in the integration process – key topics I discussed with HE Graham Paul, the Ambassador of France to the Republic of Moldova.
I stressed that, during Moldova’s European course, the experience of the states that have gone through this process is essential and, in this regard, BNM wishes to intensify collaboration with the central bank of France.
BNM is interested in obtaining from the #EU confirmation of the results of the reforms it has promoted in the banking field, and, to this end, it will initiate the evaluation exercise on the equivalence of national banking legislation with EU legislation, according to the EBA methodology.
In turn, HE Graham Paul reaffirmed his country’s support in the European journey of the Republic of Moldova, as well as the importance of bilateral economic and cultural cooperation.
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