Andreea Paul: I am highly honored to become the Romania Country chair for Humanity, Technology and Innovation of #G100
I am highly honored to become the Romania Country chair for Humanity, Technology and Innovation of #G100
G100 Vision: To create an equal, progressive & inclusive environment for women worldwide.
G100 Mission: To provide the thought leadership on what needs to be done for inclusivity, safety, economic & social empowerment of women globally, addressing genders gaps and achieving gender parity within this decade.
G100 is an empowered group of 100 women leaders from across the world, leading 100 global wings, supported by G100 He for She champions (Denim Club) and 100 Country Chairs for powerful advocacy, awareness & impact across governments and organisations for a gender equal future.
G100 comprises a league of luminaries of eminence and excellence including Nobel Laureates, Heads of States, Ministers, Businesswomen, Philanthropists, Investors, Entrepreneurs, CEOs, Corporate and Community Leaders – a powerful Group of women leaders and achievers from all walks of life who wish to give back and move us all forward as architects of the future.
G100 is an action + think tank that comprises 100 wings/sectors, led by 100 Global Chairs respectively, who further nominate 100 country chairs in 100 countries for global reach and impact. Country chairs further foster communities of 100 members directly or through further distributed leadership of region/state/city/district chairs.
The blueprint is to have: 100 Global Wings. 100 Country Clubs. 100 Members. Million Gender Champions.
Ultima ora:
ObservatorCodrin Scutaru, Andrei Stoian: Summit-ul NATO din Washington. Competiția pentru Casa Albă
PoliticMarcel Ciolacu: Tricolorul va fi mereu o mărturie a unității noastre, reper neprețuit al conștiinței românești
EconomieMihai Precup: In Tokyo – Japonia | Consolidarea cooperării economice româno-nipone
ExternAlexandru Grumaz: Este Ordinea Mondială într-o spirală descendentă!? Avem o criză a rachetelor nucleare tactice în Europa?
SocialCarmen Elena Cirnu: 🌟 Major Milestone Achieved! 🌟
EvenimenteVictor Vevera: ICI București este prezent la conferința „ Lumea Geospațială: 20 de ani de comunitate geospațială ” 2024
EditorialRadu Puchiu: Am moderat o nouă întâlnire pe care Aspen Institute Romania a organizat-o ca parte a Programului Technology & Society
CulturaCristina Popescu: Municipiul Cluj-Napoca, 1900 de ani de atestare documentară
Club Romania | Elite si idei / - Open Source Internet Database part of a non-governmental project / Contact: office[at]oranoua[.]ro | Operated by CRSC Europe