Matei Bogdan
Publicat în 20 septembrie 2023, 16:05 / 126 elite & idei

Andrei Stoian: Insightful discourse on the strengthening economic ties between Romania and the US

Andrei Stoian: Insightful discourse on the strengthening economic ties between Romania and the US

Last night at The Marmorosch Bucharest, Autograph Collection, we engaged in an insightful discourse on the strengthening economic ties between Romania and the US. It was a privilege to have Cristian Sporiș, President of AmCham Romania and John Florescu, Communication Committee Chair Alianța as special guests, whose contributions added depth to our discussions.

The positive trajectory of investments in the recent year signals the potential for sustained economic growth. Furthermore, Romania’s aspirations to join the US Visa Waiver program and the OCDE were highlighted as significant milestones. The Three Seas Initiative’s emphasis on innovation across vital sectors such as energy, digitalization, and infrastructure resonated with our goals.

Additionally, we reflected upon the enduring bond shared by Romania and the US, suggesting that the Romanian diaspora could further their representation, drawing parallels with other influential European communities.

A heartfelt thank you to our Rotarian colleagues from Rotary Club Pitești for enriching the gathering!

Here’s to future synergies and collaborations! 🇷🇴🇺🇸


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Club Romania | Elite si idei / - Open Source Internet Database part of a non-governmental project / Contact: office[at]oranoua[.]ro | Operated by CRSC Europe