Matei Bogdan
Publicat în 15 noiembrie 2023, 16:40 / 101 elite & idei

Andrei Stoian: Participating in the 12th edition of the Aspen – GMF Bucharest Forum was a profoundly insightful experience

Andrei Stoian: Participating in the 12th edition of the Aspen – GMF Bucharest Forum was a profoundly insightful experience

Participating in the 12th edition of the Aspen – GMF Bucharest Forum was a profoundly insightful experience, covering a spectrum of global challenges. From the ongoing conflict in Ukraine to the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence and cybersecurity, the discussions highlighted the need for sustainable peace, technological ethics, and enhanced cyber resilience. Economic resilience in Central and Eastern Europe, sustainable urban development, energy security, and combating information manipulation were other key topics. These conversations underscored the importance of collaborative action and innovative strategies in addressing complex global issues, emphasizing the interconnectedness of security, technology, economic stability, and environmental sustainability in shaping our future.

Ultima ora:

ObservatorȘtefan Popescu: Lumea, pe scurt…

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EconomieRăzvan Popescu: ROMGAZ a publicat rezultatele operaționale cheie preliminare aferente anului 2024

ExternIulian Chifu: Cursa pentru partenerul de coaliție al PAS-ului Maiei Sandu la generalele din Republica Moldova

SocialAndrei Caramitru: Studiu despre analfabetismul funcțional

EvenimenteRadu Puchiu: Extrem de onorat că am avut ocazia să moderez primul Aspen Dialog din acest an – The Power of Convening in Turbulent Times

EditorialȘtefan Popescu: Lumea, pe scurt…

CulturaIonuț Vulpescu: Podcast – invitat, actorul Constantin Dinulescu (sezonul 5, episodul 1)

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