Cristian Sporis, Daniela Nemoianu: AmCham Romania advocated for making Romania’s accession to the OECD – OCDE a strategic country objective
#AmChamPriorities#OECD | During the past two years, AmCham Romania advocated for making Romania’s accession to the OECD – OCDE a strategic country objective and for implementing all the necessary reforms in line with the accession calendar.
We welcome the recent announcement of Romania receiving the formal approval for closing the digital policy chapter, an important milestone of our country’ s OECD accession roadmap.
Recently, we’ve advanced this top priority and the benefits for Romania’s economic competitiveness:
in most of our high-level engagements with the decision makers, with potential investors;
in the 2024 edition of the AmCham Roundtable with the SEOs, organized in partnership with the Ministry of Justice, we’ve welcomed remarks from OECD rep. Brooks Hickman.
in the 7th edition of AmCham’s Priorities for Romania, the country’s accession to OECD is one of the five strategic priorities for the next legislative and executive mandate.
in the 5th edition of the AmCham – ZF Corporate Governance Conference;
contributed to third party projects, such as a dedicated publication by Club Romania (volume 9 – Caiete Documentare), where the analysis, signed by AmCham President Cristian Sporis and Vice-President Daniela Nemoianu offers a comparative analysis of the OECD’s country economic reports, with a special focus on improving of the investment climate, corporate governance, freedom of justice, EU funds absorption, labor market, environment.
we periodically meet with the OECD evaluation delegations visiting Bucharest to present business sector’s point of view.
Special #thanks to all involved in the AmCham team for their contribution to AmCham’s OECD related agenda: Executive Director Letitia Pupazeanu, Senior Advocacy Lead Oana Dobriţescu, U.S. Relations Manager Manuel-Iulian Cazac.
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