Matei Bogdan
Publicat în 26 noiembrie 2024, 18:29 / 160 elite & idei

Cristian Sporis, Daniela Nemoianu: AmCham Romania advocated for making Romania’s accession to the OECD – OCDE a strategic country objective

Cristian Sporis, Daniela Nemoianu: AmCham Romania advocated for making Romania’s accession to the OECD – OCDE a strategic country objective

#AmChamPriorities#OECD | During the past two years, AmCham Romania advocated for making Romania’s accession to the OECD – OCDE a strategic country objective and for implementing all the necessary reforms in line with the accession calendar.

✔ We welcome the recent announcement of Romania receiving the formal approval for closing the digital policy chapter, an important milestone of our country’ s OECD accession roadmap.

Recently, we’ve advanced this top priority and the benefits for Romania’s economic competitiveness:

☑ in most of our high-level engagements with the decision makers, with potential investors;

☑in the 2024 edition of the AmCham Roundtable with the SEOs, organized in partnership with the Ministry of Justice, we’ve welcomed remarks from OECD rep. Brooks Hickman.

☑in the 7th edition of AmCham’s Priorities for Romania, the country’s accession to OECD is one of the five strategic priorities for the next legislative and executive mandate.

☑in the 5th edition of the AmCham – ZF Corporate Governance Conference;

☑contributed to third party projects, such as a dedicated publication by Club Romania (volume 9 – Caiete Documentare), where the analysis, signed by AmCham President Cristian Sporis and Vice-President Daniela Nemoianu offers a comparative analysis of the OECD’s country economic reports, with a special focus on improving of the investment climate, corporate governance, freedom of justice, EU funds absorption, labor market, environment.

☑we periodically meet with the OECD evaluation delegations visiting Bucharest to present business sector’s point of view.

Special #thanks to all involved in the AmCham team for their contribution to AmCham’s OECD related agenda: Executive Director Letitia Pupazeanu, Senior Advocacy Lead Oana Dobriţescu, U.S. Relations Manager Manuel-Iulian Cazac.


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