Publicat în 12 iunie 2013, 13:49 /
653 elite & idei
ANALIZĂ – Daniel Dăianu & Bogdan Murgescu: Which Way goes Romanian Capitalism?

The study “Which Way Goes Romanian Capitalism?” examines the Romanian economy and its version of capitalism from a long-term perspective and in a broad context. The authors focus on the economic perspectives faced by Romania in the context of its backwardness-dominated legacy. Another area of interest is the endurance of domestic weakness, in the context of the Great Recession and the euro-zone crisis. The paper also analyses the subject of Romanian capitalism from the European framework perspective.
Authors – Daniel Dăianu and Bogdan Murgescu
The full version is available here: IPA_13_05_EconomicFutureOfRomania_en_Final (DOWNLOAD PDF)
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