Publicat în 7 octombrie 2015, 17:46 / 698 elite & idei

Eugen Simion: Bucharest hosting „Penser l’Europe” international seminar Friday through Saturday

Eugen Simion: Bucharest hosting „Penser l’Europe” international seminar Friday through Saturday

The 14th edition of the „Penser l’Europe” international seminar, themed „Is science a dimension of European identity?,” organised by the Romanian Academy and the National Foundation for Science and Art of the Romanian Academy will be carried out on Friday and Saturday in Bucharest.

The debates this year, focusing on the ability of science to contribute to Europe’s identity definition, gather over 40 representatives of the European cultural and scientific elite, from France, Belgium, Spain, Austria, Greece, Serbia and Romania, as well as from Algeria and Israel.

The seminar’s works will be conducted in four thematic sessions: „Europe of culture. Science, education, research, equal opportunity,” „Scientific culture in our Europe,” „European identity — universal science,” „Can science save European identity?”.

According to a press statement the Romanian Academy released to AGERPRES, the official opening of the seminar takes place this morning, in the auditorium of the prestigious culture institution.

Attending the event will be Romanian Academy President Ionel-Valentin Vlad, presidential adviser Sergiu Nistor, Culture Minister Ionut Vulpescu and France Ambassador in Bucharest Francois Saint-Paul. Also attending the opening of the event will be professor Thierry de Montbrial — founder and president of the French Institute of International Relations; academician Jaime Gil Aluja — chairman of the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences of Barcelona; academician Jacques De Decker — permanent secretary of the Royal Academy of French Language and Literature of Belgium; academician Eugen Simion — president of the National Foundation for Science and Art.

The speeches and statements delivered to the debates will be printed in a „Penser l’Europe — 2015” tome.

Today at 19:30hrs, at the end of the first day of debates, professor Thierry de Montbrial will present his book „La pensee et l’action” (Thought and Action), in the auditorium of the Central-University Library of Bucharest. AGERPRES

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