Gabriel Elefteriu: Putin’s embrace of Hamas is the ultimate warning for Europe’s remaining Russophiles – there is no conservative case for cosying up to the Kremlin
by Gabriel Elefteriu
The unspeakable atrocities perpetrated on October 7 by the inhuman ISIS/Hamas brutes were evidently welcomed in Moscow as a boost to Russia’s fortunes. As they emerged on that Saturday from the bowels of the earth under Gaza, the Palestinian orcs – a term used by Ukrainians for Russian soldiers but even better suited for the degenerate jihadis as well as their supporters everywhere – triggered a huge security crisis in the Levant. Quite apart from the existential risk to Israel, this plays straight into Putin’s hands.
These events have detonated a triple charge under the West’s position in relation to Russia in particular. In the first place, they serve to distract and divide attention from the vast Ukraine war. The practical effects of this are already on agonising display in the US Congress, where the new Republican Speaker, Mike Johnson, is using the Israel emergency to justify further delays to vital Ukraine aid legislation.
This is only the latest low-point in the increasingly bitter political debate within the United States on support for Kyiv’s fight. Re-directing American resources towards the IDF (Israeli Defence Forces) rather than the AFU (Armed Forces of Ukraine) gives Kyiv-sceptics perfect cover for their petty politics.
In Europe, where many countries including Germany only gave in gradually, under pressure, to backing the Ukraine properly, there has always been much wavering. More recently, as Giorgia Meloni has admitted, there is increasing fatigue with the war – and now it is Gaza that holds the front pages, not the Donbas.
The second shockwave of October 7 is crippling key Western alliances in the region, to Russia’s benefit. The Abraham Accords are in tatters. Driven by their primary Islamic allegiances, Arab countries are taking radical positions on Israel – the Jordanian ambassador has just been withdrawn from Tel Aviv – thus placing its Western allies in a bind. The result is not just collapsing Western influence in the region but also panicked and degrading behaviour by the likes of France, which shamefully – and alone among major Western nations – voted at the UN for a halt to Israel’s vital military operations in Gaza.
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