Ioan Iacob: FLOWX.AI is fundamentally changing the way enterprises are building technology
For a long time enterprises have been promised tools to transform their business digitally. Many promises have been made over the years – related to speed of digital product development, no-code, low-code, citizen programmers, and many others. But these promises have not been kept – instead enterprises got a thousand disjointed point solutions that do not scale, and ended up captive to inflexible solutions, solution vendors, and proprietary languages.
FLOWX.AI is fundamentally changing the way enterprises are building technology – and giving business and engineering teams a powerful, unified platform for application modernization of their mission-critical business processes. Enabling large organizations to build and launch digital products fast is not just about driving more and better business – it’s about not wasting needlessly the most important resources we have today: people’s intelligence and time.
But this would not have been possible without a lot of work and support from
– the entire FLOWX.AI team
– the investors who took a chance on us in the very early days – Marius Istrate, Iulian Cîrciumaru, Levente Hugo BARA, the incredibly supportive teams of PortfoLion Capital Partners (Andras Molnar, Mark Palfalvi, Gabor Pozsonyi); Gyorgy Simo at Day One Capital; Radu Georgescu and Andrei Dudoiu at SeedBlink – and of course, our advisors – Raluca Ragab, Dan Oros, and Mihai Faur
– our pioneering customers at Banca Transilvania, OTP Bank, OMV, ASIROM – Vienna Insurance Group, Alpha Bank, and BNP Paribas
– our partners at IBM, Deloitte, KPMG that trusted our vision from the beginning
Today, we’re thrilled to welcome the brilliant Dawn Capital team, led by Evgenia Plotnikova to join us. Their drive, commitment, and experience are already a powerful boost to our mission. Incredibly excited to move forward together!
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