Matei Bogdan
Publicat în 14 iunie 2023, 14:50 / 333 elite & idei

Ioan Iacob: FLOWX.AI is fundamentally changing the way enterprises are building technology

Ioan Iacob: FLOWX.AI is fundamentally changing the way enterprises are building technology

For a long time enterprises have been promised tools to transform their business digitally.  Many promises have been made over the years – related to speed of digital product development, no-code, low-code, citizen programmers, and many others.  But these promises have not been kept – instead enterprises got a thousand disjointed point solutions that do not scale, and ended up captive to inflexible solutions, solution vendors, and proprietary languages.  

FLOWX.AI is fundamentally changing the way enterprises are building technology – and giving business and engineering teams a powerful, unified platform for application modernization of their mission-critical business processes.  Enabling large organizations to build and launch digital products fast is not just about driving more and better business – it’s about not wasting needlessly the most important resources we have today: people’s intelligence and time.

But this would not have been possible without a lot of work and support from

– the entire FLOWX.AI team ❤️

– the investors who took a chance on us in the very early days – Marius Istrate, Iulian Cîrciumaru, Levente Hugo BARA, the incredibly supportive teams of PortfoLion Capital Partners (Andras Molnar, Mark Palfalvi, Gabor Pozsonyi); Gyorgy Simo at Day One Capital; Radu Georgescu and Andrei Dudoiu at SeedBlink – and of course, our advisors – Raluca Ragab, Dan Oros, and Mihai Faur 🙏

– our pioneering customers at Banca Transilvania, OTP Bank, OMV, ASIROM – Vienna Insurance Group, Alpha Bank, and BNP Paribas 🤝

– our partners at IBM, Deloitte, KPMG that trusted our vision from the beginning 🧑‍🤝‍🧑

Today, we’re thrilled to welcome the brilliant Dawn Capital team, led by Evgenia Plotnikova to join us.  Their drive, commitment, and experience are already a powerful boost to our mission.  Incredibly excited to move forward together! 

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