Matei Bogdan
Publicat în 2 martie 2022, 12:27 / 292 elite & idei

Ionela Maria Ciolan: Interviewed by the Dutch Newspaper Trouw on the Russian military invasion in Ukraine

Ionela Maria Ciolan: Interviewed by the Dutch Newspaper Trouw on the Russian military invasion in Ukraine

Today, I was interviewed by the Dutch Newspaper Trouw on the Russian military invasion in Ukraine. Find attached (with Google translate) what I said to them

IStandWithUkraine #RussiaIsTheAggressor

And below are the 2 main ideas from the article, with more details:
1) At this point, it is very hard to understand the end goal of President Putin. From the extension of the attacks and the locations of the attacked targets across the country, there are signs that Kremlin is considering occupying 2/3 of Ukraine, or even the whole country. Let’s not forget the recent declarations of President Putin who doesn’t view Ukraine as a separate nation and his great desire to reignite the status of Russia as a great power actor within the international community. There is a great chance to have a long guerilla conflict on the ground between the Ukrainians who will fight for their country and the Russian invaders.
2) Ukraine is one of the largest European countries with 41 million citizens. Ukraine’s armed forces are outnumbered – almost 5 to 1- and outgunned by Russia. They have almost 200,000 active military personnel and 900,000 reservists. Nevertheless, not only the number of troops matters in this equation. Their experience and training on the battle is also important. Here, the Ukrainian forces have gained combat training in the Donbas fighting since 2014. In addition, let not forget that Ukrainians are highly motivated to preserve their nation and their home. So, this will mean that Russian troops will find a very hostile population, that is not welcoming the Russian aggressions in its communities.

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