Liliana Filip: Launch of the Second Edition of the Rising Leaders Exchange Program Romania-USA
We have reached the second edition of the Romania-USA Annual Exchange and Relationship Development Program for Rising Leaders. This important milestone, developed in partnership with Joshua Burgin, underscores our continued dedication to strengthen ties between the USA and Romania.
A Significant New Partnership:
Starting in 2024, we have entered into a strategic partnership with the American Council of Young Political Leaders (ACYPL), marking a step that opens new horizons for our program. In May, we are honoured to organize the visit of 8 distinguished Americans to Romania, a unique opportunity to strengthen #transatlantic ties and share best practices in the realms of politics and business.
About the Program:
Targeting emerging political and business leaders from Romania and the United States, our program aims to develop meaningful connections and collaborative opportunities between the future generations of leaders from both nations. Through this exchange, meticulously designed alongside Joshua Burgin, participants will have the chance to deeply explore the political and economic landscapes, as well as the policy-making processes of the partner countries.
Participants will embark on a 14-day enriching journey, between 06-18 of April, first stop in Washington DC and then, for this year edition, exploring Texas with Austin and Houston, engaging directly with high-ranking government officials, representatives from various political parties, industry leaders, and influential community figures.
The second edition of our program, highlighting the Political Research Group’s continued commitment to promoting future leaders who value international collaboration, is set to build a community with focus in political, economic and defense dimensions of the strategic partnership between Romania and the US.
Ultima ora:
ObservatorCodrin Scutaru, Andrei Stoian: Summit-ul NATO din Washington. Competiția pentru Casa Albă
PoliticMarcel Ciolacu: Tricolorul va fi mereu o mărturie a unității noastre, reper neprețuit al conștiinței românești
EconomieMihai Precup: In Tokyo – Japonia | Consolidarea cooperării economice româno-nipone
ExternAlexandru Grumaz: Este Ordinea Mondială într-o spirală descendentă!? Avem o criză a rachetelor nucleare tactice în Europa?
SocialCarmen Elena Cirnu: 🌟 Major Milestone Achieved! 🌟
EvenimenteVictor Vevera: ICI București este prezent la conferința „ Lumea Geospațială: 20 de ani de comunitate geospațială ” 2024
EditorialRadu Puchiu: Am moderat o nouă întâlnire pe care Aspen Institute Romania a organizat-o ca parte a Programului Technology & Society
CulturaCristina Popescu: Municipiul Cluj-Napoca, 1900 de ani de atestare documentară
Club Romania | Elite si idei / - Open Source Internet Database part of a non-governmental project / Contact: office[at]oranoua[.]ro | Operated by CRSC Europe