Liviu Muresan, Oana Popescu si Antonia Colibasanu – Fighting Terrorism and the Need of Security Culture
The Middle East Political and Economic Institute, the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran and EURISC Foundation kindly invite you to attend the International Conference „Fighting Terrorism and the Need of Security Culture”, to be held in Bucharest on May 28th 2015, hours 08:30 – 18:00, at Aula of „Carol I” Central University Library of Bucharest (1st Boteanu Street, entrance from Calea Victoriei, Bucharest).
The purpose of this event is to show commitment to rejecting all forms of violence and, notably, terrorism, as being particular acts based on extremism. We highlight the need to protect human rights which is encompassed in the principles and rules of international law, founded on cooperation among people in order to achieve peace. The international conference will make recommendations that can be universally applied and will provide expertise from governmental officials and civil society.
The Conference keynote speakers are experts in fighting terrorism from Algeria (African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism – CAERT), India (United Service Institute – USI), Iran (Institute for Political and International Studies – IPIS), Malaysia (Strata Asia-Pacific Strategic Centre) and Atlantic Treaty Association (ATA – NATO).
At the event, we gladly invite representatives of the accredited diplomatic missions in Romania, personalities of the Romanian public institutions, NGOs, academia (students and professors), think tanks (researchers and analysts), business persons, and mass-media.
Hoping to receive your confirmation for participation, please kindly respond before 26th of May 2015, 16:00.
Please see the draft program below.
International Conference
Date: Thursday, 28th of May 2015
- Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Romania
- MEPEI (Middle East Political and Economic Institute)
- EURISC (European Institute for Risk, Security & Communication Management)
- IPIS (Institute for Political and International Studies), Tehran, Iran
- Tubman Company, Romania
- Antico and Bălășoiu Law Firm
The Conference aim: The purpose of this event is to show commitment to rejecting all forms of violence and, notably, terrorism, as being particular acts based on extremism. We highlight the need to protect human rights which is encompassed in the principles and rules of international law, founded on cooperation among people in order to achieve peace. The international conference will make recommendations that can be universally applied and will provide expertise from governmental officials and civil society.
Working language: English
Venue: Conference Room of „Carol I” Central University Library of Bucharest (1stBoteanu Street, entrance from Calea Victoriei)
08:30 – 09:30 Registration. Welcome Coffee.
09:30 -10:30 Official Opening Session (Representatives of the Romanian Presidency, the Parliament, the Romanian Government, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of the Economy, the Romanian Intelligence Service, and others, the representative of IPIS, the Iranian Ambassador to Bucharest, the representative of ATA/NATO, presidents of MEPEI and EURISC).
10:30 -11:45 Session I: Terrorism and the new security environment
11:45 – 12:15 Coffee break
12:15 – 13:30 Session II: Youth radicalization phenomenon
13:30 – 14:30 Lunch at the conference venue
14:30 – 15:45 Session III: The role of cyber security in the diffusion and combat of asymmetric threats
15:45 – 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 – 17:10 Session IV: Security culture. International and national experiences.
17:10 – 17:30 Final Remarks and Closing Session
17:30 – 18:00 Cocktail (non-alcoholic).
Speakers of the Conference
- Mr. Mostafa ZAHRANI, Director General of IPIS – Head of the Iranian delegation;
- Mr. Seyed Vahid KARIMI, Director of Center for Europe of IPIS;
- Mr. Gholamali CHEGNIZADEH, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Science, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran;
- Mr. Kayhan BARZEGAR, Director of Institute for Middle East Strategic Studies (IMESS), Tehran.
International guests:
- Mr. Jason WISEMAN, General Secretary of Atlantic Treaty Association (ATA / NATO),Brussels;
- Mr. Emiliano STORNELLI,Director of Mediterranean Program, Atlantic Council of Italy;
- Mr. Gemano DOTTORI,Professor of Geopolitical and Strategic Studies at Luiss University of Rome, Italy
- Mr. Abdoulaye MAIGA, Analyst at the Alert and Prevention Unit of the African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism (ACSRT), Alger, Algeria;
- Maj. Gen. Bal Krishan SHARMA, AVSM, SM & Bar (Retd), Deputy Director (Research) and Head of Centre for Strategic Studies and Simulation, the United Service Institute of India, New Delhi, India;
- Mr. Andrin Jerome Nevis RAJ, SEA Regional Director for the International Association for Counterterrorism and Security Professionals – Centre for Security Studies and Director for Centre Strata Asia-Pacific Strategic Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Mr. Daniel IONIȚĂ, Head of Analyses, Policies and Legal Affairs Department at CERT-RO (Romanian National Computer Security Incident Response Team);
- Mr. Marius LAZĂR, Lecturer in Middle Eastern Studies, University of Babeș-Bolyai;
- Mrs. Oana POPESCU,Director of Global Focus Center;
- Ms. Antonia COLIBĂȘEANU,Partner – Director Regional Eurasia, Stratfor and Associate Lecturer at University of Bucharest;
- Mrs. Andreea Paula IBĂNESCU, Program Manager and Researcher at MEPEI;
- Mr. Darie CRISTEA, Lecturer at Faculty of Sociology / University of Bucharest;
- Mr. Alexandru CUMPĂNAȘU,Executive Director of Association for Implementing Democracy (AID) Romania.
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Club Romania | Elite si idei / - Open Source Internet Database part of a non-governmental project / Contact: office[at]oranoua[.]ro | Operated by CRSC Europe