Matei Bogdan
Publicat în 8 noiembrie 2023, 18:12 / 155 elite & idei

Manuela Catrina: I was thrilled to moderate yesterday, the Women in Cybersecurity Panel at the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Focal Points Network

Manuela Catrina: I was thrilled to moderate yesterday, the Women in Cybersecurity Panel at the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Focal Points Network

🇹🇩🇺🇲 I was thrilled to moderate yesterday, the Women in Cybersecurity Panel at the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Focal Points Network. Romania and the United States are the 2023 Co-Chairs of the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Focal Points Network.

The panel gathered remarkable speakers from public and private sector, and civil society who addressed issues related to advances, gaps, threats, challenges, but also opportunities for women in cybersecurity. My deepest appreciation amazing panelists: Monica-Lisette Paun (Deputy Chief of Public Procurement Department, National Service of Telecommunication), Shebana Alqaseer (Lead Gender Reform Consultant under The Asia Foundation’s Coalitions for Change, Philippines), Natia Seskuria (Regional Institute for Security Studies, Georgia), Selene Giupponi Women4Cyber Foundation , Mihai Matei – ANIS Romania (President of the Employers’ Association of the Software and Services Industry, Romania.

Looking forward to continue promoting together the meaningful participation of women in cybersecurity decision-making processes, in the prevention of cybersecurity threats and cybercrimes, and their contribution to the development of cybersecurity laws, policies and norms.

Thanks Ema Bercea for all the great work and an excellent event. Honored to meet extraordinary women in the #WPS Network.


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