Matei Bogdan
Publicat în 10 ianuarie 2024, 17:15 / 108 elite & idei

Marius Geanta: We will continue to represent Romania within the group of representatives of the Member States of the 1+ Million Genomes Initiative

Marius Geanta: We will continue to represent Romania within the group of representatives of the Member States of the 1+ Million Genomes Initiative

On the day I received from Ministerul Cercetarii, Inovarii si Digitalizarii the confirmation that, together with Octavian Bucur, MD, PhD (Director of the Institute of Research and Development in Genomics), we will continue to represent Romania within the group of representatives of the Member States of the 1+ Million Genomes Initiative, has been published as well the book „Pharmacogenomics in Clinical Practice,” coordinated by Prof. Dragan Primorac, M.D., Ph.D., Wolfgang Höppner and Lidija Bach-Rojecky.

This is one of the most comprehensive books in the field of pharmacogenomics published so far; I had the privilege and the honour of being invited to co-author the chapter „Public Health Issues in Pharmacogenomics.”

Genomic epidemiology and precision public health are some of the interdisciplinary fields which have come of age during this pandemic. Genomics will likely become an essential component of public health strategies for communicable and non-communicable diseases. Genomic medicine leads to disruption in terms of clinical management of the individual patient (precision medicine) or population health (precision public health).

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