Matei Bogdan
Publicat în 24 aprilie 2024, 20:09 / 166 elite & idei

Miruna Troncota: Our new edited book!

Miruna Troncota: Our new edited book!

A great Easter present – Finally – after almost 2 years of intense work – here is the result.

Our new edited book!

We are grateful to the Helsinki University Press and to Dr. Taru Hapaala for all their help in finalising this at great editorial standards. This was one of our main deliverables in the LEAP Jean Monnet Network Project that ended last year.

Thanks to my co-editors Radu Cucuta and Ali Onur Ozcelik for their patience and resilience and to the other 8 authors in this collective endeavour Hatidza JahicRoman KalytchakBardhok BashotaNicolae ToderasBasak Zeynep Alpan – to name only a few, the ones that are in my friend s list. We propose here an in-depth revision of the concept of EU peripheries – based on recent qualitative data from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Kosovo, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Turkyie and Ukraine – reflecting on the main geopolitical shifts after 2022. We believe it will be a useful and up to date review of EU s interactions with various categories of states through the eyes of the local politicians.

The book will be soon available in open-access format so it can be read/ used by all interested in these topics. We will be back with more details soon.

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Club Romania | Elite si idei / - Open Source Internet Database part of a non-governmental project / Contact: office[at]oranoua[.]ro | Operated by CRSC Europe