Publicat în 16 ianuarie 2013, 21:45 / 891 elite & idei

Misu Negritoiu, Alexandrina Gatej, Teddy Dumitrescu si Cristian Sporis la Aspen Romania Seminar 2013

Misu Negritoiu, Alexandrina Gatej, Teddy Dumitrescu si Cristian Sporis la Aspen Romania Seminar 2013

We are honored to host Dr. Todd Breyfogle to moderate his 5th Aspen Seminar for Leaders with Aspen Romania, between May 30 and June 2, at the Susai Mountain Resort. Our proven method of text-based dialogue offers participants a neutral forum in which to reflect on timeless human values, pursue common ground, and cultivate a richer understanding of the human condition. Participants emerge from the Aspen Seminar personally renewed, professionally re-focused, and better prepared tolead as they confront the difficult choices of our ever-changing world.


Participants range from top corporate executives to leading entrepreneurs with significant impact in the business environment of Romania and its region; high ranked public leaders from justice, administration and central government; significant civil society actors and esteemed representatives from the academic sector fromEurope, the United StatesJapan or India. Aspen Seminar participants find themselves at an inflection point in their lives and careers, ready to take even higher leadership roles in their communities at local, regional or global level.

Over the years participants have included, among others: Florin Pogonaru, President of the Romanian Businessmen’s Association; Alexandrina Gatej, CEO, Maldon and Wat; Teddy Dumitrescu, CEO, Publicis Romania; Misu Negritoiu, CEO, ING Bank Romania; Ştefan Dărăbuş, National Director, HHC Romania; Dana Deac, Director, TVR1 Department, Anca Georgescu, HR Executive Director, Romtelecom; Alexandru Lupea, Partner, Ernst & Young; Mihaela Mitroi and Ionut Simion, Partners with PWC; Speranţa MunteanuAura Giurcaneanu, Partners and Serban Toader, Senior Partner with KPMG Romania; Ştefania Popp, Executive Director, Junior Achievement; Septimiu Postelnicu, Executive Vice President, Unicredit Tiriac Bank S.A.; Radu Soviani, Editor, Money.ro TV; Cristian Lupşa, Editor, Decât o Revista;Daniele Moscato, Senior Vice President, UniCredit Group; Carl Rossey and Cristian Sporis, Raiffeisen Bank VicePresidents, Tincuta Apateanu, Edusfera, Ioana Avadani, Executive Director at Center For Independent Journalism; Leslie Hawke, Co-founder, Ovidiu Rom Association; Christian Mititelu, Member, National Audiovisual Council of Romania; Gabriel Petrescu, Executive Director, Soros Foundation Romania; Bogdan Staicu, Executive Director, Mobexpert Holding; Codru Vrabie, EPAS Association President.


The group of twenty participants debate a series of fundamental readings guided by Aspen US Seminars Director, Dr. Todd Breyfogle, reflecting on values and solidarity into successful and valuable action, as the main thrusts of societal progress. The readings go from classical texts from Aristotle, Plato or Hobbes to more modern thinkers like Nelson Mandela, Milton Friedman or Peter Singer, in a complex and challenging mix of discussions on liberty and equality; ethics and responsibility; faith and spirituality or freedom and dissent-just to name a few.

For more information on participation and fees, please contact Ms. Sorina Campean, Program Coordinator at sorina.campean@aspeninstitute.ro .

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