Matei Bogdan
Publicat în 1 noiembrie 2023, 17:31 / 163 elite & idei

Nicholas S. Kass: Honored to be in the amazing country of Japan to help introduce Alexandrion Group

Nicholas S. Kass: Honored to be in the amazing country of Japan to help introduce Alexandrion Group

Honored to be in the amazing country of Japan to help introduce Alexandrion Group, along with Founding Chairman Dr. Nawaf Salameh — domo arigato Nawaf soke — our three Master Distillers — the Three Amigos Allan Anderson, Jean-François Joumier, and Lorenzo Vergani — and the rest of our stellar Alexandrion team. Thanks also to Ambassador Dranga and the entire staff of the Romanian Embassy—and to the Eggworm company—who worked hard to help us set up the events in record time, and to our star co-host Teodora Tompea, who made an impression on our Japanese guests!

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Club Romania | Elite si idei / - Open Source Internet Database part of a non-governmental project / Contact: office[at]oranoua[.]ro | Operated by CRSC Europe