Matei Bogdan
Publicat în 10 aprilie 2024, 20:06 / 106 elite & idei

Ovidiu Raetchi: The Euro-Atlantic Resilience Centre also hosted a special visit from an Irish delegation from the Department of Defense

Ovidiu Raetchi: The Euro-Atlantic Resilience Centre also hosted a special visit from an Irish delegation from the Department of Defense

Today, the Euro-Atlantic Resilience Centre also hosted a special visit from an 🇮🇪Irish delegation from the Department of Defense, led by the Secretary-General, Ms. Jacqui McCRUM, accompanied by several Department’s representative.

The beginning of the dialogue was marked by a in-depth briefing held by the E-ARC team on the activities and projects carried out, focusing on the 🗓️training component.

During the E-ARC presentation, a topic of interest, requested by the Irish delegation to be presented, was the critical undersea infrastructure resilience. The discussions also focused on the exchange of best practices and the identification of possibilities for bilateral collaboration🤝and the development of joint projects in the field of #resilience.

This visit marks an important step ⏭️towards strengthening bilateral relations and international cooperation in the field of resilience and comes in response to the visit made by the E-ARC team to 🇮🇪Ireland in February, carried out in the context of the internationalization process.


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