Alexandru Bogdan: A relaxed chat about the key takeaways from 2024 and hopes for 2025

🚀 I started this year with an invitation from Oana Coșman and for a relaxed chat about the key takeaways from 2024 and hopes for 2025.Some important points:✓ Economic challenges impact the entire ecosystem, and Europe is adapting to these shifts more slowly than the US—at a time when speed is more critical than ever. The first PitchBook report for 2024 shows a 5% YoY decline...

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Alexandru Bogdan: I attended the kick-off of Climate Change Summit 2024

I attended the kick-off of Climate Change Summit 2024 where I had the pleasure to contribute to the selection and evaluation of the 12 finalists of the hashtag#CCSAwards.I was impressed by the fact that on the very hashtag#green stage of the Romanian Opera House, Ursula von der Leyen delivered a dedicated digital message for the event from which 2 ideas sticked to me:– the contribution of...

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Alexandru Bogdan: The How To Web 2024 madness week kicked off today with a new type of event dedicated to hashtag#TechTransfer

The How To Web 2024 madness week kicked off today with a new type of event dedicated to hashtag#TechTransfer.. There have been some interesting insights:1. on how to start and boost this critical process for a healthy innovation environment from Łukasz Marć, PhD and Pawel Bochniarz2. on the risk appetite driving the US innovation from Frances Simowitz3. from EIT we have learned that founders...

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Alexandru Bogdan: 2 energetic days BRAND MINDS 2024

2 energetic days BRAND MINDS 2024. The star has been as I was expecting Martin Lindstrom , with its insights on our subconscious and how we can aim as marketers to win the hearts of our customers, but also how as customers we can become more aware on what’s happening to us!Adam Grant also gave some tricks on how to become more creative as a team, while David Sinclair and Fady Chreih teased...

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Alexandru Bogdan: Happy to share that our partners at Rubio Impact Ventures are joining forces with NN Group

Happy to share that our partners at Rubio Impact Ventures are joining forces with NN Group and aim to distribute some 200k grants to impactful startups during the hashtag#ImpactWeek on November 28th in Bilbao and are looking for SEE startups to join the competition! Applications in the link below 😉hashtag#startupventures hashtag#impactinvesting...

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Alexandru Bogdan: ROCA X încheie primul trimestru cu un exit important – ce investiții strategice face

Într-un context în care investițiile în startup-uri de tehnologie au stagnat în ultimii 2 ani, iar sentimentul de prudență a fost predominant în industria de venture capital, ROCA X Venture Capital anunță un final de 2023 și un prim trimestru de 2024 active. Prima veste importantă este achiziția CODA Intelligence, un startup românesc specializat în soluții de cybersecurity, de...

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Alexandru Bogdan: I’ve been attending the hashtag#InvestorsForum organized by Invest Europe

Last week I’ve been attending with Andrei Cionca the hashtag#InvestorsForum organized by Invest Europe and it’s been a huge opportunity to get the global perspective and the pulse of the industry with actual data from Funds of Funds with up to 50 years in the business and billions in exposure in GPs across the globe to the European GP challenges in this environment. Some of the main...

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Alexandru Bogdan: Adequate funding is the pressing issue as we came out of 2023!

I recently had the opportunity to debate in an interview with Ligia- Andreea Munteanu at Digi24 the issue of the €400M from PNRR that should save the situation in 2024 and support the birth of a new generation of Venture Capital and Private Equity funds. Unfortunately, this expectation is false as the public money need to be doubled by another €400M private contribution, money that is...

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Ultima ora:

ObservatorNicholas S. Kass on President Trump’s Vision and the Romanian-American Partnership – Exclusive Interview on Antena3 CNN

PoliticLigia Deca, numită secretar general al Comisiei Naționale a României pentru UNESCO

EconomieNicholas S. Kass on President Trump’s Vision and the Romanian-American Partnership – Exclusive Interview on Antena3 CNN

ExternAlexandru Grumaz: Supraviețuirea Europei!

SocialAndrei Caramitru: Studiu despre analfabetismul funcțional

EvenimenteAlexandru Bogdan: A relaxed chat about the key takeaways from 2024 and hopes for 2025

EditorialDan Mircea Cipariu: Detector pentru “războinicii viteji”!

CulturaAndreea Paul: Conflictele intergeneraționale au un remediu fantastic prin teatru

Club Romania | Elite si idei / - Open Source Internet Database part of a non-governmental project / Contact: office[at]oranoua[.]ro | Operated by CRSC Europe