Alexandru Bogdan: I’ve been attending the hashtag#InvestorsForum organized by Invest Europe
Last week I’ve been attending with Andrei Cionca the hashtag#InvestorsForum organized by Invest Europe and it’s been a huge opportunity to get the global perspective and the pulse of the industry with actual data from Funds of Funds with up to 50 years in the business and billions in exposure in GPs across the globe to the European GP challenges in this environment. Some of the main ideas which caught my atention:
– despite the perceived risk associated with VC, European VC has been the best performing asset class in all for Adams Street Partners portfolio for decades (4.4x against 3.5x in US and aprox 3% in PE)
– post crisis vintages have historically performed well (also from Adams Street data on hundreds of funds) – let’s see what happens now
– the contradictions between the public statements on long term investments and monthly or quarterly performance and liquidity pressure is affecting more and more both PE & VC industries
– the European commission is determined to boost the innovation in EU and will push for growth of the VC ecosystem even in the current conditions of funding
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