Matei Bogdan
Publicat în 2 aprilie 2024, 17:53 / 96 elite & idei

Ana Maria Mihaescu: Cafe with Maria Smarandescu on TVR1 talking about Salbek this summer

Ana Maria Mihaescu: Cafe with Maria Smarandescu on TVR1 talking about Salbek this summer

What a great day! Cafe with Maria Smarandescu on TVR1 talking about Salbek this summer followed by a wonderful tea with Mother Superior Mihaela from Stavropoleos Church.
Anna, Georgi , Tamara and Laurel have discovered the beauty of this place and were introduced to the religious music of this jewel The good news of the day is that the album about Transylvanian Churches will be released soon. For Easter we can admire the third volume with Transylvanian churches of the orthodox, catholic and protestant faith.

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Club Romania | Elite si idei / - Open Source Internet Database part of a non-governmental project / Contact: office[at]oranoua[.]ro | Operated by CRSC Europe