Ana Maria Mihaescu: Two screenings of the film „Enescu – Skinned Alive”, which premiered last November and has already received two prestigious awards

On Saturday at the Romanian Athenaeum, there were two screenings of the film „Enescu – Skinned Alive,” which premiered last November and has already received two prestigious awards. Thank you Iulia Gorneanu for inviting me.The Athenaeum was full and vibrant. The event included the director Toma Enache and many artists, including Mircea Dragoman, Cristian Sofron, and the ethereal...

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Ana Maria Mihaescu: Art, Cultural Heritage, Exhibitions

Yesterday was a wonderful experience as Art Safari, the National Heritage Institute, the Village Museum, and the Department of Religions unveiled an exceptional exhibition titled „The Most Beautiful Traditions.” Attendees were treated to a remarkable collection of masks, which are rarely seen in exhibitions, alongside stunning icons and seasonal-themed paintings by artists ranging...

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Ana-Maria Mihaescu: Salbek Opera Masterclass & Gala, 21-25 August 2024 – film of the event

Salbek Opera Masterclass & Gala – 21-25 August 2024film of the event The International Salbek Opera Masterclass is an internationally attended event where 23 students in 2024 had the opportunity to study canto and performance techniques alongside three international opera stars: Ruxandra Donose, tenor Ramón Vargas and soprano Leontina Văduva. The International Salbek Opera...

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Ana Maria Mihăescu: Investiţia în refacerea castelui Salbek şi construirea centrului de well-being de acolo se va ridica la 20-21 mil. euro

„Am început toate demersurile pentru a obţine un PUZ pentru castel, pe care dorim să îl refacem ca un centru de well-being în care să se întâlnească tradiţiile din zona Europei Centrale pentru refacere cu cele din Orient.“ Ana-Maria Mihăescu, fost bancher şi preşedinta Asociaţiei Castel Salbek, a cumpărat cu jumătate de milion de euro castelul Salbek din satul Petriş,...

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Ana Maria Mihaescu: Traditions, education, culture, rural regeneration

The first edition of the Mid Summer Festival(Sânziene )in Salbek has ended, with the following results: the Contemporary Sculpture Park was opened with the unveiling of the Throne of Judgment, sculpture belonging to the sculptor Marius Ritiu, two shoots of historic oaks from Salbek will grow in the gardens from Vata Bai and Băița, contributing to the strengthening of biodiversity in...

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Ana Maria Mihaescu: Cafe with Maria Smarandescu on TVR1 talking about Salbek this summer

What a great day! Cafe with Maria Smarandescu on TVR1 talking about Salbek this summer followed by a wonderful tea with Mother Superior Mihaela from Stavropoleos Church.Anna, Georgi , Tamara and Laurel have discovered the beauty of this place and were introduced to the religious music of this jewel The good news of the day is that the album about Transylvanian Churches will be released soon. For...

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Ana Maria Mihaescu: Happy to share some up dates on early education

The OMV Petrom Foundation runs together with the World Vision Foundation the largest early education project in Romania: „Start in education”. The campaign launched today tells the story of our truly national impact: 120,000 preschool children receive a „Future in a schoolbag” educational kit and 1,500 kindergartens from disadvantaged communities benefit from „ABC...

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Ana Maria Mihaescu: Health, Newborns, Foundation, Innovation

I was inspired by Dana Burduja’s post as she was my guide to private sector financing in health.(🙏). What a journey of 20 years: she is now leading health financing for EIB and I am structuring projects for newborns at OMV Petrom Foundation, reinventing myself at 65+.Since the start of the Baby Box program five months ago, 2,713 baby boxes have reached in 529 disadvantaged communities. The...

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Ana Maria Mihaescu: Education, Culture, ESG, NGOs

Last weekend I was very happy to see the interaction on cultural grounds, at the exceptional Brancusi Exhibition, between baby boomers, millennials and generation Z. This week end with my colleagues from OMV Petrom Foundation, we have met Salvati Copiii and Samas at MARe, discussing about progress( amazing ) for Cutia Bebelusului.At the same time, the foundation was launching with Teach for...

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Ana Maria Mihaescu: If you are 60+, relevant and dynamic, be brave and let the community know

I was very much inspired by Laurel Herman’s post. So in many areas I am just echoing her( nice way of calling – quotation)I am proud to say it LOUD and CLEAR ….I AM 68 years old. YES, that’s it. 68! Admittedly I could do without the wrinkles, the grey hair and enjoying a happy retirement, dreaming the 50’s again! But it is what it is … and it’s only a number.In...

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Ultima ora:

ObservatorȘtefan Popescu: Lumea, pe scurt…

PoliticIon M. Ioniță: Ce efecte are demisia președintelui?

EconomieRăzvan Popescu: ROMGAZ a publicat rezultatele operaționale cheie preliminare aferente anului 2024

ExternIulian Chifu: Cursa pentru partenerul de coaliție al PAS-ului Maiei Sandu la generalele din Republica Moldova

SocialAndrei Caramitru: Studiu despre analfabetismul funcțional

EvenimenteRadu Puchiu: Extrem de onorat că am avut ocazia să moderez primul Aspen Dialog din acest an – The Power of Convening in Turbulent Times

EditorialȘtefan Popescu: Lumea, pe scurt…

CulturaIonuț Vulpescu: Podcast – invitat, actorul Constantin Dinulescu (sezonul 5, episodul 1)

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