Ana Maria Mihaescu: Early education
The first year of the programme “Start in education” has been successfully concluded in all the 700 disadvantaged communities from 40 counties. In the 2022-2023 school year, 60,000 preschool children each received a „Future in a schoolbag” kit with materials for educational development and 13,400 parents participated in the „School of parents” workshops.
Thanks to the educational kit „Future in a schoolbag”, 8 out of 10 children from the „Start in education” project developed their cognitive, creative and visual recognition skills. At the same time, 9 out of 10 parents say that they spend more time playing with their children due to it. Also, 94% of parents consider that the parenting sessions held within the „Start in education” project were useful to them and appreciated the specialized information received about children’s development, positive parenting and child protection. The results are part of the Impact Report of the „Start in education” project, carried out by the OMV Petrom Foundation and World Vision Romania Foundation.
I am happy to share with you the te changes that have been brought to communities by the largest early education project in Romania. The full report is here:
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