Ana Maria Mihaescu: Education, Culture, ESG, NGOs
Last weekend I was very happy to see the interaction on cultural grounds, at the exceptional Brancusi Exhibition, between baby boomers, millennials and generation Z. This week end with my colleagues from OMV Petrom Foundation, we have met Salvati Copiii and Samas at MARe, discussing about progress( amazing ) for Cutia Bebelusului.
At the same time, the foundation was launching with Teach for Romania, the „Green for the Alpha Generation” : an environmental education programme for pre-school, primary and secondary school children, focusing on understanding and relating to the environment in a sustainable way. The programme will be implemented in 109 schools and 17 kindergartens in vulnerable communities where Teach for Romania works. 145 teachers from the Teach for Romania network will work with 2,900 students with the materials developed under the programme.
The programme aims, by addressing the big issues of climate change, to make a genuine contribution to changing the behaviour of future adults in the long term, and provides methods and tools for teachers to work on what they should know (information), be able to do (skills) and what attitude a pupil finishing grade 8 should have in order to contribute to the sustainable development of their community. I am very happy to be part of this amazing journey! Next day winter arrived in Bucharest, with a landscape loved by all generations!
Ultima ora:
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Club Romania | Elite si idei / - Open Source Internet Database part of a non-governmental project / Contact: office[at]oranoua[.]ro | Operated by CRSC Europe