Ana Maria Mihaescu: If you are 60+, relevant and dynamic, be brave and let the community know
I was very much inspired by Laurel Herman’s post. So in many areas I am just echoing her( nice way of calling – quotation)
I am proud to say it LOUD and CLEAR ….I AM 68 years old. YES, that’s it. 68! Admittedly I could do without the wrinkles, the grey hair and enjoying a happy retirement, dreaming the 50’s again! But it is what it is … and it’s only a number.
In spite of wrinkles, grey hair and sometimes exhausts, I am passionate of my day to day work: advisor to some companies, non executives directors and chairwoman to two successful NGOs.
In these days my positive impact is bigger than ever and I am just grateful that I can work with my younger colleagues, transferring my 40+ years of experience and to learn from them as well. Grateful to work on my projects with Oana, Ion, Daniela, Mark, Eliza, Amalia, Serban , Andreea, Mihai, .Ecaterina, Nina, Theodor and many others.
We are #business #babyboomers. We are important to the #economy, and we are also #rolemodels to upcoming generations. Please identify as many of us as possible and you will not regret it.
Also if you are 60+, relevant and dynamic, be brave and let the community know. Showing how relevant and full of expertise you are will help replace #ageism with veneration and give you the excellent reward of being as impactful as at the pick of your career, if not more.
After all, we #influence and #inspire for good. We bring tons of experience, wisdom and #perspective to the many challenges of today, and of tomorrows too.
Grateful to Laurel to raising it and grateful to all my young and older friends for their warmth and appreciation.
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