Matei Bogdan
Publicat în 1 noiembrie 2023, 17:16 / 114 elite & idei

Ana Maria Mihaescu: The OMV Petrom Foundation and Save the Children Romania are initiating the second edition of the „Together from the first day” programme

Ana Maria Mihaescu: The OMV Petrom Foundation and Save the Children Romania are initiating the second edition of the „Together from the first day” programme

The OMV Petrom Foundation and Save the Children Romania are initiating the second edition of the „Together from the first day” programme by providing equipment to 16 more medical units. This edition will mean a further investment of 1.5 million euros aimed at equipping an additional 16 medical units (neonatology, neonatal intensive care and obstetrics-gynecology units) in 12 counties across the country. Therefore, the total number of hospitals equipped through the „Together from the first day” program will reach 60 hospitals, with a total investment of 2,5 million euros.

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Club Romania | Elite si idei / - Open Source Internet Database part of a non-governmental project / Contact: office[at]oranoua[.]ro | Operated by CRSC Europe