Matei Bogdan
Publicat în 7 aprilie 2021, 16:06 / 452 elite & idei

Cezar Ioan on Wine as History, Culture, and Soft Power / Feraru Conferences Online

Cezar Ioan on Wine as History, Culture, and Soft Power / Feraru Conferences Online

With the noblest elixir about to take center stage at the great celebrations of springtime, wine guru CEZAR IOAN, publisher of influential and co-founder of Romania’s National Day of Gastronomy and Wines, comes to the Feraru Conferences for a conversation about wine as cultural experience, Romanian wine-making traditions, opportunities and challenges, and the uses of a good vintage in nation-branding.Join us live on Facebook on April 7 at 2 p.m. New York & Toronto time / 11 a.m. Los Angeles & Vancouver time / 7 p.m. London time / 9 p.m. Bucharest time. Watch also on our website and other social media accounts after the show.

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